Last night I went to a Friendsgiving with some beautiful people from my church. I showed up hoping for a miraculous gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan Thanksgiving. When I arrived the theme of the night was cheese galore. It went so far as having a cheesecake instead of a pumpkin pie. The dairy-filled mash potatoes even had cheese on the top. And the stuffing was far from gluten-free. My only option was to eat a GF fig newton that I brought just in case or pray and eat to my heart’s content. I sprayed three sprays of TRS hoping it would mop up all of the toxins and not trigger lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity. Surprisingly, I had no pain, bloating, or the usual symptoms. I had leftover cheesecake and stuffing for breakfast this morning. Tomorrow I’ll go back to my organic plant-based, compassionate diet but today I will be thankful for being able to eat dairy and gluten without side effects. I can now eat most gluten and dairy without a reaction. Good to know that I may spray TRS and not have an adverse reaction if I can’t find a healthier alternative.
December 27, 2019