The Mystery Rash
December of 2014 – I developed painful deep fissures & open wounds, “coins,” on my hands. After about a month they went away, yeah!! …. only to be replaced with a rash.
Things got worse and for 4-5 years I had a horribly itchy, oozing rash. At times it was literally from the top of my head to my toenails. A colleague at work once told me my arm looked like raw meat (see before & after photos).
The steroid creams scared me, but at times I succumbed, slathered & wrapped and told to leave it on for a week or longer…. I appreciated the relief, but wanted to know the root cause and deal with THAT.
I did all kinds of baths, creams, …. So. Much. I doctored allopathically – locally, Rochester & Hershey. I did NAET. I worked with a functional doctor. I worked with a gut doctor. I worked with another functional doctor who specialized in hormones. I worked with a practitioner on body energies, …. I was tested for cancer & all kinds of autoimmune conditions …. I had so much bloodwork done that the techs commented on how much blood I was giving…. I went gluten- and dairy-free. And last year I went sugar-free.
Limited improvement came with the diet change. Some came with the light therapy (which I eventually discontinued).
When I heard about TRS I thought, “hmmm, no one has addressed the possibility of heavy metals – I need to investigate this.” I did.
The most improvement came last year after I started TRS and treated (herbally) for Lyme (diagnosed last year). And more improvement after having my amalgams removed in December. Two to three weeks after amalgam removal, my rash was GONE. It has been a little bouncy …. I just had a small flare (I’m also experimenting with limited dairy and gluten). But to have it COMPLETELY disappear for weeks at a time …. I know I am on the right track!!
I can’t say for sure what the cause was …. but I believe heavy metals played a part … possibly along with candida? with Lyme? And the mercury from the amalgams…
I, nor anyone else, can take credit for being smart or figuring out anything. I did a lot of praying and asking for guidance. I thank God for opening the doors that have brought me to where I am today. HE did it. I am so grateful for the healing.
I don’t know where I would be without TRS!…………..??
TRS won’t help every situation – because root causes can vary. It is not a cure; it removes toxins that mess up our bodies. TRS may not be for everybody. (Though I believe we all are toxic due to our environment.) But I know TRS has and can help a lot of people.