I am a world champion Latin dancer and chronic pain and exhaustion cut my career short. I have been a cheerleading coach for the past 12 years and my body was in constant agonizing pain after each practice. Extremely restricted diets and throwing my back out every month was a very tough life to navigate while serving on missions trips.
I have lived a clean, organic, non-toxic lifestyle for the past 12+ years, spent entirely too much money on the best naturopaths and supplements that I could find, and spent countless hours on health websites and FB groups searching for a cure. Multiple MDs said that “my blood work was normal, there was nothing wrong with me, and that it was all in my head.” Finally, I found an extraordinary doctor who magnifies the blood 65,000 times. He could see that I had heavy metal toxicity, a hormonal imbalance, and many other health problems.
I learned about TRS from mothers who detox their children from vaccine injury. Within 2 months on TRS, I noticed a drastic reduction in brain fog, chronic fatigue, excruciating lower back, hip pain and joint pain due to inflammation and scoliosis. I am now able to exercise daily and work out in the gym which I haven’t been able to do for years. I am able to dance freely again without agonizing pain, eat the foods that I love and think clearly. I am more forgiving and no longer in fight or flight, stressed, anxious, easily offended, emotionally overwhelmed, nor constantly triggered. I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and 24 lbs overall in 2.5 months. My digestive system is working as it was designed. My skin has rejuvenated and my blemishes are fading away. I have been sleeping deeply and been having intense dreams. The money I have spent on TRS, I have saved many times over on supplements, beauty products, and survival care.
TRS is certainly not a miracle cure, nor does it heal disease, and it is definitely not a one size fits all. However, TRS is extremely effective at removing heavy metals and 80,000 toxins from your body. I have chosen to become a distributor to hopefully reach as many people as possible with this supplement that has transformed my life. It is my honor to partner with God to see His children healed by the power of His glorious strength. We declare complete healing and total freedom to your body, soul, and spirit. We speak to every fiber of your being, including every organ, tendon, muscle, bone, joint, and cell to be healed and restored in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
This is my personal support group to ask questions regarding TRS.
And feel free to email me with any questions