I started detoxing with advance TRS 19 months ago. I am 32 years old and I have suffered from severe asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia, and insomnia. Day 1 using advanced TRS, I felt more awake and alert. Day 3 I noticed my brain fog was gone and I wasn’t drinking large amounts of coffee like usual. Day 4 I noticed I wasn’t fumbling things as much. Day 5 I wasn’t struggling to breathe or constantly coughing up phlegm. DAY 6 My breathing improved tenfold. I can now run and play with my 4 children without getting out of breath and I can sing again. Day 7 I noticed I wasn’t suffering from any indoor, outdoor or food, allergies. Day 8 I noticed my light sensitivity was completely gone. Day 9 I noticed my body pain started to diminish. Day 10 I noticed I was sleeping through the night without waking up once. Day 15 I noticed I had a positive attitude, more easy-going, and not so easily upset. And every day I keep improving more and more. I am so thankful for advanced TRS, as it is helping me become happier and healthier and it has greatly improved the lives of my children.

Asthma, Allergies Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Brain Fog, Shortness of Breath, Food and Environmental Allergies, Mood

I learned about TRS from mothers who detox their children from vaccine injury. I noticed a dramatic change in my health after my first spray. Within 2 months on TRS, I noticed that my brain fog and chronic fatigue vanished. I no longer have excruciating lower back and hip pain due to scoliosis. I can dance freely again without agonizing pain. My joint, back and neck pain has drastically reduced. I exercise daily and work out in the gym which I haven’t been able to do for years. I use to have so much joint pain, especially knee pain that I could not work out, sit or even stand without pain. I am more carefree, easy going, more forgiving, less anxious, no longer easily offended, and less emotionally triggered. I am more emotionally stable, less sensitive and no longer constantly in fight or flight and stressed. Even though TRS is not a weight loss supplement, I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and 17 lbs overall in 2.5 months. I noticed candida, biofilm, gallstones and all sorts of parasites leaving. My digestive system is working as it was designed, my stomach is no longer bloated. My skin is smooth and my scars, sunspots, and skin tags are fading. My eyes are brighter. My hair is healthier, shinier, voluminous and curlier. I have been sleeping deeply and having intense dreams which is one of the known benefits with TRS. The money I have spent on TRS, I have saved many times over on supplements and survival care and beauty care.

Scoliosis, Joint Pain, Weight Loss, Fatigue, ADHD, Anxiety, Light Sensory Overload, Hormonal Imbalance, Parasites, Gallstones, Candida, Digestive Issues

Prior to using TRS, the entire left side of my face was almost paralyzed and my eyes and mouth were considerably lower on that side. My face is no longer asymmetrical or paralyzed. My eyes are turning from green to grey. I have released a lot of parasites and passed a very high quantity of liver flukes. In addition to TRS, I have implemented a vegan diet. My obsessive appetite for sugar is gone and I no longer have Hashimotos. I have lost 10 kilograms (15lbs), and I am more slim with less cellulite. My hair is no longer falling out. I teach Zumba on the side for fun and I have more energy and I am now able to remember the choreography effortlessly. I have more focus at my office job and I have achieved new levels of freedom as I release stored emotions while detoxing. My husband is only using 1 spray per day and his eyes have changed to a gorgeous brilliant blue color. We have not been on TRS long and we are very pleased with our progress thus far.

Facial Paralysis, Asymmetrical, Eye Color Change, Parasites, Liver Flukes, Sugar Cravings, Weight Loss, Cellulite, Hair Loss, Brain Fog, Fatigue, Emotional Detox

I have started using TRS about 2 weeks ago. After the first spray, my tinnitus subsided dramatically. Since then every day seems to bring me little surprises of healing my way. The brain fog is lifting and I'm able to concentrate on what I am reading. For a long time I have wanted to trade Futures and Forex online, but the fog seemed to keep me from grasping the needed concepts to do so. Now I am using a trading simulator and do better and better each day. My back and neck have stopped being stiff. I can now easily touch my toes. I have regained the use of my left thumb that had become inflamed for some reason. I'm very happy to be able to use a hammer again. I am sleeping throughout the night without a trip or two to the bathroom. The vivid dreams are wild again. I also have the genetic blood disorder called hemochromatosis that causes me to collect iron and for the first time in 20 years my blood test numbers have been unexpectedly very low this last time. While the whole family had gone camping my mother woke up with a sore throat. I gave her one spray and a little while later she told me her throat had quit hurting. I have given a bottle of TRS to my 95-year-old grandmother that is in an assisted living home. She has a very poor memory and is quite sore and stiff all over. I can't wait to go visit her again to see how she is progressing.

Hemochromatosis, brain fog and physical body improved.

We’ve been detoxing for 19 months now. We started because we needed to find a way to help detox our son. It led to detoxing our entire family and seeing truly wonderful and magnificent gains. Our son, who was vaccine injured, started the TRS journey, nonverbal, stimming all day long, pacing the room back and forth, and repeatedly spinning a clock. He used to be an extremely picky eater, only eating baby food, tater tots, and waffles. He used to chew on his shirts and not play with anyone. No eye contact or interest in anything. The first gain was eye contact, affection, and playfulness. The stemming was dying down every day. The eye contact increased. He became interested in playing with us, his toys, and in many things. He’s eating various foods, he doesn't chew on his shirts anymore, and his eczema is gone. He keeps his shoes on 95% of the time. His expressive language has improved greatly and he’s successfully incorporating a full vocabulary. I have finally heard my four and a half-year-old say, “I love you Mom,” We are overjoyed with how far he has come. Both of our girl’s attitudes have improved 100%. Their focus in school is amazing. I homeschool, so I'm able to see the exceptional difference. Their eczema is gone, their skin is smooth, hair is soft, and their eyes are much clearer and brighter. All of the kids went through yeast die off. For my other son, his energy level is much better, his brain fog is gone. His skin has cleared up, his eyes are brighter and clearer, his toenail fungus is gone, and his stamina is now at 100%. For myself, I used to suffer from severe asthma, allergies, eczema, fibromyalgia, and migraines. I was 100% a hot mess. My brain fog and light sensitivity were debilitating. After three days of detoxing with TRS, I didn't have to use my allergy medicine or inhalers anymore. I noticed the pain, light sensitivity, and brain fog went away. I feel 100% and I wake up refreshed every morning. TRS has absolutely been an extraordinary blessing to our family. We plan on using it as general maintenance for the rest of our lives.

Sanchez Family | California, USA
Nonverbal, Stimmung, Selective Eater, No Eye Contact, Asthma, Allergies, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Light Sensitivity

Our family has been using TRS for over 120 days! It has been life-changing for our entire family! It would take a long time to list our gains, so I will pick some of the most amazing ones for each of us. Me - I have had adrenal fatigue and sluggish liver and thyroid for over 5 years. Terrible brain fog and exhaustion with a host of other issues. In these 4 months, I have not had a single actual adrenal crash. I have more energy, clarity of mind, less reactionary and more responsive, less vertigo, lost over 20 lbs, able to overcome sugar and gluten addiction - am sugar and gluten-free. I am no longer constantly exhausted. I am running/walking my first 5K this weekend! Husband - has a history of PTSD. Not a single episode in almost 4 months (he began 2 weeks after me). He has clarity of thought. He has lost 20lbs. His blood pressure went from stage 2 to a normal range. He is totally less reactionary and more responsive. Oldest Daughter (20) has Hidredenitis Superativa. All of her scars from HS have disappeared. She has seen the last remnant of anxiety dissipate - most disappeared with diet change. She is able to eat out and not worry so much about cross-contamination from food (gluten/sugar/nightshades). She is a runner and told me she feels better since using TRS to detox! Her chiropractor says she is holding adjustment better. Oldest son (20) has seen his spine straighten more. He has had a lot of emotional detoxing which was hard at first but has leveled out. Less reactionary. More focused. Handwriting has improved - he always had terrible penmanship! Our middle son (17) has an ASD diagnosis. Greater clarity. Improvement in communicating. He also has had emotional detox which helped him have a breakthrough with his thought process and handling tough situations. Less reactionary and more responsive. He has begun to eat the food he would never eat before! Youngest son (7) has seen so much improvement in communication. No longer addicted to video games! Communication improvement greatly - he is very witty now! Handwriting improvements and greater focus at school. Colors in the lines and actually have become very creative. Increase in imagination! Our dog and cat also use TRS. They have had gains and probably the best is they can be in the same room and not "kill" each other! I can now give one a treat and not the other. They are calmer. Our dog is more trainable. The cat seems to have less bladder/urinary issues and now wants to sit with us or on us.

Suzanne | Australia
Adrenal Fatigue, Sluggish Liver, Thyroid Issues, Brain Fog, Exhaustion, Weight Loss, Vertigo, Food Addiction, PTSD, High Blood Pressure, Hidredenitis Superativa, Scars, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Scoliosis, ASD

I ordered 1 bottle of TRS after carefully reading over 50 testimonials. I was on the fence for a few weeks thinking this is too good to be true. So I decided to order just 1 bottle to test it on my son and myself. My son is 7 years old and after his 14 month MMR vaccine, he developed candida overgrowth, leaky gut, eczema, food allergies, and even a sun allergy. He also tested high for levels of EBV and CMV. Comprehensive stool analysis showed overgrowth of candida rugosa fungus and reduced the function of his pancreas and lack of pancreatic enzymes. This resulted in numerous pale stools, lack of weight gain, lack of appetite, brain fog, and emotional hypersensitivity. We've been fighting these symptoms restlessly for years. He's been on an anti-candida diet with various different antifungals, probiotics, and other supplements. While on antifungals, all is well, but it never seems to hold after we stop therapy, the candida quickly grows back. To our amazement, since day 1 on TRS, he has had more energy, and he is happier. His first night on TRS, he wasn’t sweaty while he slept. Since I can remember, he was very wet every single night. He used to wake up at least once per night to ask for a glass of water, regardless of room temperature. We try our best to not keep him too warm. This was huge for me, and my husband couldn't believe that TRS could be so effective! Day 5, still dry while sleeping, he’s still not waking up to ask for water and his detox side effects are very minimal. Last night he had a lot of questions about life after death, which is a big deal. He is undeniably thinking more logically and profoundly these last few days. I am not using antifungals at the moment. I wanted to see if TRS works on its own. The brain fog is gone and he has had a few emotional releases. We have been on TRS for over 3 months and we are very satisfied, to say the least.

Happy Mama | Europe
Candida, Leaky Gut, Eczema, Food Allergies, Sun Allergy, Loss of Appetite, Brain Fog, Emotional Hypersensitivity

My girlfriend had a breakthrough in chronic fatigue after her first day of using TRS, so she gave me a bottle. I did not know what to expect or anything about the product. To my surprise, the plantar wart on the bottom of my foot that I had for years, started to fade after 2 weeks of using TRS and vanished after 5 weeks. I had tried to remove it by having the Dr. freeze it, I even tried to cut it off, and tried other remedies. I was surprised that TRS could be so effective. I am a fitness champion and trainer so I am very thankful that detoxing with TRS has made me stronger in the gym. I have more energy and I have less brain fog.

Sorin | California, USA
Planters wart, Brain Fog, Strength, Fatigue